[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a fighting game in the Mortal Kombat series, released in arcades and later ported to the Super Nintendo. It is an update of Mortal Kombat 3 and later received its own update in the form of the Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Other Ocean Interactive later ported the title to the Nintendo DS in 2007, adding Puzzle Kombat from Mortal Kombat: Deception.

[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 is a fighting game in the Mortal Kombat series, released in arcades and later ported to the Super Nintendo. It is an update of Mortal Kombat 3 and later received its own update in the form of the Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Other Ocean Interactive later ported the title to the Nintendo DS in 2007, adding Puzzle Kombat from Mortal Kombat: Deception.



平台 游戏性 流畅度 画质 音质
SFC版 ★★★★☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★☆☆
MD版 ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆
SS版 ★★★★☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★★★ ★★★★★
街机版 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★☆


Two new gameplay modes have been introduced since the original Mortal Kombat 3: the 2-on-2 mode which was similar to an Endurance match but with as many as three human players in a given round on both sides (these had not been seen in the series since the first Mortal Kombat), and a new eight-player Tournament mode. An extra Master difficulty is present. Shao Kahn’s Lost Treasures – selectable prizes, of which some are extra fights and others lead to various cutscenes or other things – are introduced after either the main game or the eight-player Tournament are completed.

To balance the gameplay, some characters were given new moves and some existing moves were altered. Some characters were given extra combos and some combos were made to cause less damage. Chain combos could be started by using a jump punch (vertical or angled) or a vertical jump kick, which creates more opportunities to use combos. Combos that knock opponents in the air no longer send one’s opponent to the level above in multi layered levels; only regular uppercuts do this.

The computer-controlled opponent AI was improved in the game. However, three new flaws were introduced along with the revisions: while backflipping away from an opponent, if the player performs a jump kick, the AI character will always throw a projectile; this leaves the computer character vulnerable to some attacks and can easily lead into a devastating combo. If the player walks back-and-forth within a certain range of the AI character, the opponent will mimic the player’s walking movements for the whole round and never attack. If the computer opponent is cornered, the player can repeatedly perform punches without the AI character stumbling back, thus allowing the player to win easily.


自最初的《真人快打3》以来,引入了两种新的游戏模式:2对2模式,类似于耐力赛,但在某一回合中双方有多达三名人类玩家(自第一部《真人快打》以来,这些模式在该系列中没有出现过),以及一种新的八人锦标赛模式。本作还有一个额外的大师级难度。Shao Kahn’s Lost Treasures–可选择的奖品,其中一些是额外的战斗,另一些则导致各种场景或其他东西–在主游戏或八人锦标赛完成后被引入。





[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]


[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]


[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]


[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC/MD/SS/街机 真人快打3终极版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3[免费分享]


SS版本Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (USA)

https://pan.xunlei.com/s/VMZfpxjtANivAr81NgY52-ewA1 提取码h9vm

MD版Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

欧版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3


美版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3


街机版Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3



SFC版本Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

欧版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (Europe)(Acclaim)(32Mb)


美版 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3


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