[藏经阁]SFC 拆屋工’98 レッキングクルー’98[免费分享]

Wrecking Crew '98 (レッキングクルー'98) is a puzzle video game developed and released by Nintendo for the Super Famicom in May 1998 for Japan only; it is the sequel to the Nintendo Entertainment System game Wrecking Crew, and was later released as part of the Nintendo Power flashable cartridge service in January 1998.

Wrecking Crew ’98 (レッキングクルー’98) is a puzzle video game developed and released by Nintendo for the Super Famicom in May 1998 for Japan only; it is the sequel to the Nintendo Entertainment System game Wrecking Crew, and was later released as part of the Nintendo Power flashable cartridge service in January 1998.

[藏经阁]SFC 拆屋工'98 レッキングクルー'98[免费分享]

The game takes on a more competitive approach, featuring puzzle elements akin to games such as Tetris and Puyo Puyo, such as being able to rain down panels on the opponent’s side and chain reactions. The game also includes a direct port of the NES version. The game was never released outside of Japan due to Nintendo’s international divisions ending the sale of SNES games the previous year in 1997. The game would later be released in Japan for the Wii U’s Virtual Console on September 28, 2016.


[藏经阁]SFC 拆屋工'98 レッキングクルー'98[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC 拆屋工'98 レッキングクルー'98[免费分享]
[藏经阁]SFC 拆屋工'98 レッキングクルー'98[免费分享]


Wrecking Crew ’98 (Japan)


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