[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]

Wario Land II is a game by Nintendo that was released in Western regions for the Game Boy in March 1998. This is the second installment of the Wario Land series (third counting Virtual Boy Wario Land). It is a 2D platformer starring Wario, the greedy treasure hunter, who was also the protagonist of the series' first game Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3.

Wario Land II is a game by Nintendo that was released in Western regions for the Game Boy in March 1998. This is the second installment of the Wario Land series (third counting Virtual Boy Wario Land). It is a 2D platformer starring Wario, the greedy treasure hunter, who was also the protagonist of the series’ first game Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3.

[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]

While the game was originally released as a Super Game Boy-enhanced title outside of Japan, a version adding Game Boy Color support was released in Japan seven months later as one of the October 1998 launch titles, featuring colored sprites and backgrounds. This version came out later in Western regions as well. It was also rereleased for the Nintendo 3DS’s Virtual Console in 2012. A successor to the game, Wario Land 3, was produced and released in 2000, which adapted most of this game’s gameplay mechanics.

《Wario Land II》是任天堂于1998年3月在西部地区为game Boy发行的游戏。这是《Wario Land》系列的第二部(第三部虚拟男孩《Wario陆地》)。这是一个2D平台,由贪婪的寻宝者瓦里奥主演,他也是该系列第一部游戏《瓦里奥之地:超级马里奥之地3》的主角。
虽然游戏最初是在日本以外地区作为超级游戏男孩增强版发行的,但七个月后,添加了游戏男孩颜色支持的版本在日本发行,作为1998年10月发行的游戏之一,以彩色精灵和背景为特色。这个版本后来也在西部地区发行。它也于2012年在任天堂3DS的虚拟控制台上重新发布。游戏的后继者Wario Land 3于2000年制作并发布,它改编了游戏的大部分游戏机制。


[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]
[藏经阁]GB/GBC 瓦里奥大陆2 Wario Land II[免费分享]


Wario Land II (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible)


Wario Land II (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)


GBC Wario Land 2


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