[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]

WarioWare, Inc. Mega Party Game$!, known as Atsumare!! Made in Wario (あつまれ!!メイド イン ワリオ Atsumare!! Meido in Wario, lit. "Gather!! Made in Wario") in Japan, is a game for the Nintendo GameCube and the second installment of the WarioWare series. It reuses all the microgames from the original game WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!, but however, Mega Party Game$! focuses on multiplayer in particular.

[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]

WarioWare, Inc. Mega Party Game$!, known as Atsumare!! Made in Wario (あつまれ!!メイド イン ワリオ Atsumare!! Meido in Wario, lit. "Gather!! Made in Wario") in Japan, is a game for the Nintendo GameCube and the second installment of the WarioWare series. It reuses all the microgames from the original game WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!, but however, Mega Party Game$! focuses on multiplayer in particular.

It comes with eight special multiplayer modes for up to four players that all involve the known microgames in some way. While it includes a few new modes, the single player mode is heavily reduced and doesn’t feature the unlockable mini-games from the predecessor.


[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 集合!!瓦里奥制造 WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$![免费分享]


WarioWare, Inc. – Mega Party Game_s_! (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)



123链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/7biA-cT97A 提取码:7ptr
天翼云:https://cloud.189.cn/web/share?code=BFnI7vAvUVZ3 访问码:pg5c
链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/8e857aaca2ab 提取码v4m4

WarioWare, Inc. – Mega Party Game_s_! (USA)



123网盘:https://www.123pan.com/s/7biA-eT97A 提取码:4AKa
链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/9fb4dd2f6696 提取码8Fg8

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