[藏经阁]GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造 WarioWare: Twisted![免费分享]

WarioWare: Twisted! is the third game in the WarioWare series. It was released for the Game Boy Advance in Japan on October 14, 2004 and in North America on May 23, 2005. Unlike other WarioWare games, it uses a tilt sensor for the bulk of its gameplay, which allows for the console to be tilted in order to create input instead of pressing buttons (though buttons are occasionally used). The game revolves around Wario and his coworkers going on self-contained adventures throughout Diamond City, with the microgames being played as the characters attempt to solve whatever problem is occurring to them.

WarioWare: Twisted! is the third game in the WarioWare series. It was released for the Game Boy Advance in Japan on October 14, 2004 and in North America on May 23, 2005. Unlike other WarioWare games, it uses a tilt sensor for the bulk of its gameplay, which allows for the console to be tilted in order to create input instead of pressing buttons (though buttons are occasionally used). The game revolves around Wario and his coworkers going on self-contained adventures throughout Diamond City, with the microgames being played as the characters attempt to solve whatever problem is occurring to them.

[藏经阁]GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造 WarioWare: Twisted![免费分享]

GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造!是瓦里奥制造系列的第三款游戏。这款游戏于2004年10月14日和2005年5月23日分别在日本和北美的Game Boy Advance上发布。与其他WarioWare游戏不同的是,这款游戏在大部分玩法中都使用了倾斜传感器,这样就可以倾斜主机来生成输入,而不是按下按钮(虽然偶尔也会使用按钮)。这款游戏围绕着Wario和他的同事们在钻石城的独立冒险展开,游戏中的角色试图解决他们遇到的任何问题。


[藏经阁]GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造 WarioWare: Twisted![免费分享]
[藏经阁]GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造 WarioWare: Twisted![免费分享]
[藏经阁]GBA 转转 瓦里奥制造 WarioWare: Twisted![免费分享]


2000 – 旋转瓦里奥! WarioWare – Twisted!(US)(Nintendo)(128Mb)


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