[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix(在日语中称为 Dance Dance Revolution with MARIO 和 Dancing Stage: Mario Mix 在欧洲语言中称为 Dance Dance Revolution:Mario Mix)是一款基于流行的 Dance Dance Revolution 视频游戏系列的 NGC平台游戏,以马里奥为主题。 Mario Mix 使用附带的以马里奥为主题的舞蹈垫。 要玩游戏,玩家必须在与屏幕上的条对齐时踩上、下、左、右箭头。 玩家可以选择与马里奥或路易吉一起以多种模式和难度级别玩近三十首歌曲。

[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix(在日语中称为 Dance Dance Revolution with MARIO 和 Dancing Stage: Mario Mix 在欧洲语言中称为 Dance Dance Revolution:Mario Mix)是一款基于流行的 Dance Dance Revolution 视频游戏系列的 NGC平台游戏,以马里奥为主题。 Mario Mix 使用附带的以马里奥为主题的舞蹈垫。 要玩游戏,玩家必须在与屏幕上的条对齐时踩上、下、左、右箭头。 玩家可以选择与马里奥或路易吉一起以多种模式和难度级别玩近三十首歌曲。

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix 是第二款在 Nintendo GameCube 上发布的舞蹈游戏。 马里奥混音不像标准版的舞舞革命那么激烈; Super Hard 难度相当于其他 Dance Dance Revolution 游戏中的“标准”难度(尽管后来的一些歌曲在标准游戏中被认为是“沉重的”,尤其是 Bowser’s Castle)。

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix (known as Dance Dance Revolution with MARIO in Japanese and Dancing Stage: Mario Mix in European languages) is a Nintendo GameCube game based on the popular Dance Dance Revolution video game series, but with a Mario theme. Mario Mix utilizes an included Mario-themed dance mat. To play the game, players must step on the up, down, left, and right arrows when they line up with a bar on the screen. The player can choose to play with either Mario or Luigi in a number of modes and difficulty levels with nearly thirty songs.

Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix is the second dancing game to be released on the Nintendo GameCube. Mario Mix is not as intense as standard versions of Dance Dance Revolution; Super Hard difficulty is equivalent to “standard” difficulty in other Dance Dance Revolution games (though some later songs are considered “heavy” in the standard games, especially Bowser’s Castle).


[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 热舞马里奥 Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix[免费分享]


Dance Dance Revolution – Mario Mix (USA)



链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/7biA-Ev97A 提取码:E5d3

Dance Dance Revolution with Mario (Japan)



链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/7biA-kv97A 提取码:mMz9

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