[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]

Mario Superstar Baseball is a Mario sports title for the Nintendo GameCube and is the first installment of the Mario Baseball series, being the first dedicated baseball game in the Mario franchise. As with most Mario Sports titles, it is based on the traditional rules of the sport, but is differentiated with unique, Mario-themed quirks and mechanics. These include characters using Star Skill abilities to cause the ball to behave differently; team captains have unique Star Skill abilities that cause a wide variety of special effects, such as attacking outfielders if batting or causing the pitched ball to behave erratically. Characters also have field abilities to differentiate themselves from other teammates. Chemistry is a feature unique to the Mario Baseball games whereby characters perform differently depending on whether they like, dislike, or are neutral to another character they are cooperating with. Additionally, most fields in the game include hazards that can affect outfielders, such as the Piranha Plants serving as obstacles in Yoshi Park.

[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]

Mario Superstar Baseball is a Mario sports title for the Nintendo GameCube and is the first installment of the Mario Baseball series, being the first dedicated baseball game in the Mario franchise. As with most Mario Sports titles, it is based on the traditional rules of the sport, but is differentiated with unique, Mario-themed quirks and mechanics. These include characters using Star Skill abilities to cause the ball to behave differently; team captains have unique Star Skill abilities that cause a wide variety of special effects, such as attacking outfielders if batting or causing the pitched ball to behave erratically. Characters also have field abilities to differentiate themselves from other teammates. Chemistry is a feature unique to the Mario Baseball games whereby characters perform differently depending on whether they like, dislike, or are neutral to another character they are cooperating with. Additionally, most fields in the game include hazards that can affect outfielders, such as the Piranha Plants serving as obstacles in Yoshi Park.

In addition to the main Exhibition mode, in which baseball can be played freely with up to two players, the game features a single-player oriented Challenge mode that has the player controlling a designated team captain and their preset team, recruiting other captains and team players to face off against Bowser. The game also features the Toy Field mode, in which individual characters play on an interactive baseball field and get coins based on where the ball lands. Finally, the game includes several Mario-themed minigames with baseball mechanics, such as hitting Bob-ombs to create fireworks or collecting gems in a baseball diamond while avoiding a Chain Chomp. Toy Field and Minigames are the only modes that can support up to four players.

A follow-up game, titled Mario Super Sluggers, was released for the Wii in mid-2008.


[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]
[藏经阁]NGC 马里奥棒球 Mario Baseball[免费分享]


Mario Superstar Baseball (Europe)


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链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/cf3343ab7c8d 提取码WTh8


Mario Superstar Baseball (USA)


链接:https://www.123pan.com/s/7biA-av97A 提取码VDEf
链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/a1e705660dc8 提取码wznL


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