[switch工具]KOSMOS更新15.1 下载

[switch工具]KOSMOS更新15.1 下载

[switch工具]KOSMOS更新15.1 下载

https://github.com/AtlasNX/Kosmos/releasesv15.1 – HeartbeatChangelog:

  • Updated Atmosphere
    • Additional configuration added to hbl.
    • Removal of the temporary hid-mitm that was added back in 0.9.0.
    • Clean up and bug fixes.
    • Changelog: https://github.com/Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere/releases/tag/0.10.2
  • Updated Emuiibo
    • Silently updated after v15 release.
    • Changelog: https://github.com/XorTroll/emuiibo/releases/tag/0.4
  • Updated Kosmos Toolbox
    • Override key settings now support up to 8 custom titles. (Thanks to the additional configuration added to hbl in Atmosphere.)
    • Added option to select a title when configuring overrides.
    • System module page will now scroll and no longer requires paging.
    • Added option to immediately close out of the app. (+ Button)
    • Bunch of bug fixes!
    • Changelog: https://github.com/AtlasNX/Kosmos-Toolbox/releases/tag/v4.0.0

and most importantly:

  • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.

C H O O S E Y O U R O W N A D V E N T U R E 😉

Kosmos v15.1 built with:  Atmosphere – 0.10.2  Hekate – v5.1.1  EdiZon – snapshot  Emuiibo – 0.4  Goldleaf – 0.8  Homebrew App Store – 2.2  Kosmos Toolbox – v4.0.0  Kosmos Updater – v3.0.9  ldn_mitm – v1.3.1-alpha  Lockpick – v1.2.6  Lockpick RCM – v1.8.1  sys-clk – 0.13.0  sys-ftpd-light – 1.0.1  NXDumpTool – v1.1.8  sys-con – v0.5.2



如何免费下载《[switch工具]KOSMOS更新15.1 下载》


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2024-1-15 20:22:26



2024-4-10 14:36:49

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