【工具】Deepsea2.2.5,12.0.2 AMS0.19.3支持。

【工具】Deepsea2.2.5,12.0.2 AMS0.19.3支持。Github原版,无任何改动,放上Sigpatches。

【工具】Deepsea2.2.5,12.0.2 AMS0.19.3支持。Github原版,无任何改动,放上Sigpatches。

【工具】Deepsea2.2.5,12.0.2 AMS0.19.3支持。

  • Updated Atmosphère 0.19.3
    • A number of minor issues were fixed, including:
    • An issue was fixed in dns.mitm that caused a crash when games attempted to resolve the IP address of nullptr.
    • An issue was fixed in erpt that would cause an abort when booting without having ever booted stock previously.
    • An issue was fixed in (file-based) emummc that caused an error on system format/downloading certain games.
    • General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.& z9 l5 i+ e6 p2 t& G) `
  • Updated Hekate v5.5.6
    • HOS 12.0.2 Support
    • Auto NoGC is now applied if you have 12.0.2 and 14 fuses. That's because 12.0.2 burnt a fuse and brought the total to 15 fuses. If user is still in 12.0.0-12.0.1 you will still need kip1patch=nogc. If updated to 12.0.2, that line can now be removed if wanted. And as always if auto nogc is not wanted, you can disable it in the Options Tab.
    • Fixed Seamless display for L4T Linux/Android. There was an issue where hekate would clear the bootlogo when launching L4T. That is now fixed and the bootlogo will remain until kernel finishes init.
    • Fixed an issue when a kip patch was defined 2 times it would throw an error.


如何免费下载《【工具】Deepsea2.2.5,12.0.2 AMS0.19.3支持。》


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2024-1-15 20:22:26



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